Term 2 2019 - Teachers
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The aim of this e-newsletter is to provide our subscribers with information about drug prevention resources, and to share relevant news, conferences and events.

Please help us spread the word by forwarding this newsletter to other teachers in your networks, and encourage them to subscribe at www.positivechoices.org.au. 
In this issue you will find information on:
  • the next Positive Choices webinar
  • Preventure facilitator training
  • updates to the Indigenous portal resources and accessibility.
We need your help to guide our ongoing improvements to Positive Choices. Tell us what resources you find most useful, what could be improved, and what you want to see more of on Positive Choices.
We are looking for school staff to complete an online survey and provide feedback about an online Australian drug education portal, Positive Choices. If you decide to participate in the survey, you will be asked to provide feedback about the layout, design and content of the portal. The survey will take between 20 to 35 minutes and all participants can enter a prize draw to win a MacBook Air 13-inch 128GB or Microsoft Surface Pro i5 128GB Tablet.
To access the survey, please click here
If you have any questions about the survey, please contact the researchers on (02) 8627 9014 or lucinda.grummitt@sydney.edu.au
Upcoming Webinar

The relationship between social media, alcohol use and parental monitoring in adolescence

Wednesday 19th June
12pm AEST
Presented by: Ms Anna Smout
This webinar is for parents, school staff, and anyone else seeking information about the relationship between social media use and drinking, and how parents can protect against alcohol use in adolescence.

Australian teenagers spend more than 3 hours per day on social networking sites. Greater time spent using these sites has been linked to problem drinking in adolescence. This webinar will present information on the relationship between using social networking sites and problem drinking, and will focus on how parents can intervene to protect their child from alcohol-related harms.

What time in my state?
Missed our last webinar? Now available on demand

Promoting Healthy Lifestyles During Adolescence

Presented by Dr Katrina Champion
This webinar focuses on reducing the risk of chronic disease by modifying key lifestyle habits during adolescence.

If you missed this popular webinar you can view the recording on demand.
Aim: The workshops will provide facilitator training to deliver the Preventure program
For: Teachers and mental health practitioners
Cost: $750 for 2 days of training, lunch and therapist manuals
When: 26 - 27 September 2019, 9am to 4.30pm
Where: The Orana Centre, 2 Rawson Street, Wollongong NSW
Register your interest now
By registering your interest you will be the first to hear when registration for the workshop opens next month.
What is Preventure?
Students with high-risk personality profiles participate in two 90-minute group workshops, which focus on motivating adolescents to understand how their personality style leads to certain emotional and behavioural reactions. The program is supported by multiple published studies, reporting reduced consumption of alcohol and other drugs, reduced symptoms of depression and anxiety, and reduced conduct problems.
To implement Preventure, it is necessary to attend a 2-day training course. The training will provide an overview of the research on four personality risk factors for substance use and mental disorders, and focus on how to deliver cognitive-behavioural therapy and motivational interventions.
For more information about the program, click here
To celebrate the International Year of Indigenous Languages, we are promoting the resources available on Positive Choices that are designed for students, parents and teachers who speak or are learning Indigenous languages. See the resources here or follow the Positive Choices Facebook or Twitter for updates.
We have been working to improve the accessibility of the portal and as of this month, all factsheets developed by the Positive Choices Indigenous team are audio accessible.
All narrated factsheets are available online.
Something you'd like to see on Positive Choices that isn't there? We welcome ideas for new content, so send us an email at info@positivechoices.org.au, and we'll look into it.
Listen to the Positive Choices team present, or catch up with us at our booth, at these upcoming events.
Copyright © 2025 Positive Choices, All rights reserved.

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The Positive Choices newsletter is sent out once every term, and contains updates and information relating to the Positive Choices website. Recently published newsletters will take 48 hours to be listed on this page.